Sunday, July 28, 2013

Esthetically pleasing over functionality and purpose equals a great classroom! Part 1

I know, what a title, right? But seriously, I feel like my classroom over the years has been more about me making it look good then the actual functionality of my room. This year I am going to change all of that! So, here's the first post in a multi-part series of my classroom setup!

Sorry they're such a  mess!
My first big change this year is getting tables! We've had a few teachers transfer to other schools and one of them had tables instead of desks. I went to my principal armed with a great blog post about how tables could be more beneficial than desks and she agreed to allow me to swap! Thanks, Mrs. Davis! It already makes my room look bigger. I really want to do more collaborative learning this year and these tables will make that even easier.

Don't they look shiny and new!
Then, I had to go and ask if I could paint the tables with white board paint! Yeah, I know how crazy that sounds. But could you imagine the functionality behind it? My students will no longer need to "get out" their slate! Of course, several people have expressed their skepticism and pointed out several problems with having the table be their white board (won't it get dirty, they can't hold it up for the class to see, it'll get scratched when they put their chairs up, what happens when they write on it with a sharpie).  I'll let you know how it goes. It will either be the greatest adventure or the biggest mistake. EIther way, I'll let you learn from it! :)

I <3 this green! :)
I got the little organizer for
$13 Michaels!
Next, since I had primer for the tables, I painted over my book shelf cases! They were getting rusty and a little shabby. With a fresh coat of paint they look great! Now, I know some teachers will tell me: I don't have time to paint my room! Well, most days I spend 10 hours a day in that room. I want it to look nice! Wouldn't you rather spend time in a room that someone cared about? Plus, I bought the paint in little samples. Super cheap! The pictures show them without the shelves in since they were still wet!

Lastly, I wanted cheap cute decorations. Something that would give my room pop without much effort or money. Thus: tissue paper poms! I saw these in a lot of blogs last year, so I tried my hand at it. It really was easy and I think they look very cute! Now, to figure out where to hang them! >_< Here's a link to a great video tutorial on how to make them. It's from a wedding show...but it's a good tutorial and the one I used!
Cute and cheap! I'll be making blue ones soon!

 I'll post the next part within the next week! Hopefully you'll get to see more of how I'm setting my room up since more of it will be set up by then! :) Anyone have any great ideas for the classroom? Feel free to post them in the comments section!

As always,

Overly Enthusiastic Jen

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